Memorial Day weekend we went to Winchester bay with the young Family! Jordan and Emily have 2 kids and 3 quads and a
Razr! We had a ton of fun doing jumps and the boy,
Jaydn , learned how to tip and "roll" a quad:)
Kole learn how to do a side wheelie on his friend, Elliot"s, three wheeler. We played in the sand and enjoyed the warm sunshine while everyone else back home had to endure the rain. Robert flew over the handle bars of J
ordan's quad when we were playing hide and seek out on the dunes, that was scary to watch his body fly off that machine like a rag doll. He only hurt his ankle a bit but was good to ride the
rest of the trip.The Young family is very kind and generous to invite us along twice now and
Jaydn was totally in heaven, he now wants quads:)